Category Archives: One Word 2020

Self-Reflection During Uncertain Times

I recently started re-reading the book “Let Your Life Speak” by parker J. Palmer. I’m still only in the first chapter, but I’ve had to stop multiple and meditate on what I’m taking in.

What’s resonating with me within the context of getting used to living life in the middle of a pandemic that doesn’t seem to be slowing it’s spread of a potentially deadly virus is a line from the opening chapter, “Ask me whether what I have done is my life.” It is from the poem ASK Me by William Stafford.

The past four months of isolation, social isolation, and more spare time that I ever cared to have has help me with doing a lot of soul searching. If and when this pandemic is over we’ll all be facing a future that is significantly different. A number of restaurants and eateries have closed, some of our favourite clothing and department stores have shut down for good, people are still working from home, and many people have ended up unemployed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on businesses.

If your job, material goods, and your leisure activities defined you – who are you once those things are no longer available?

Isolation, quarantine, social distancing, and endless online meetings have revealed our weaknesses and our strengths. The rapid changes that have taken place are an opportunity to re-evaluate one’s life.

Some simple questions to ask one’s self:

-What have I missed the most?

-What have I missed the least?

-What are some new ways of doing things that I enjoy or like?

-What are some old ways of doing things that I hope we don’t return to?

-What are some new skills I’ve learned over the past few months?

-What has my outlook been like? Hopeful, anxious, confused, grief-filled, resistant, disbelieving, etc.

If you haven’t taken some quiet time for internal reflection during this COVID-19 pandemic, I encourage you to do so. It’s not a time to beat yourself up or make extreme unattainable goals; it’s simply a time to reflect on what you’ve been feeling, thinking, and doing during these times of instability and rapid changes.

Whatever your reflections reveal, remember to be kind and gentle with yourself.

Ask Me William Stafford


Dear Christians, Please Stick with the Facts


With a rise in the number of people who have the corona virus (COVID-19) comes an increase in panic and desperate actions aimed at protecting one’s self from the illness.

I’m not sure about where you live, but in my small corner of the world people have taken to stockpiling large amounts of toilet paper in response to their fear of catching the virus. So far, no reputable health organizations have mentioned the need for toilet paper as a precautionary measure against catching this virus. Instead, they have been constantly reminding people to wash their hands as the best form of prevention.

The slightest cough or sniffle has sent people into a state of worry. Those wearing facial masks in public have been looked at with suspicion and fear.


What disappoints me most about the myths and rumours surrounding COVID-19 is the number of Christians I’ve seen who are taking part in sharing misinformation on social media. As Christians we should be known as people who are credible; people who take the time to check facts and are aware of their sources. It would be unrealistic to think that we will be 100% correct every time we share information, but in our eagerness to share with others it is important to take the time to stop and consider why we are sharing posts and Tweets?

It’s good to ask yourself if you are sharing something that is helpful or harmful? But most importantly, question if you are sharing something that is true.


I have seen Christians share posts misinforming others that things like garlic, holy oil and water, and all sorts of snake oil products will prevent catching COVID-19. During times of panic we as Christians are called to bring a sense of calm. Jesus was not a man who panicked. It was always the others around him that were filled with anxiety, worry, fear, and desperate actions. When Jesus encountered people in fear, he reminded them to call on God to bring a sense of inner peace. We are not called to do the opposite either – ignoring serious situations or going into a state of denial; instead, we are to pray for wisdom and knowledge when faced with unpleasant situations.

Pray to God and ask him to guide you to speak words and share information that is meant for the health and benefit of others.

For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6



Choosing A Guiding Word For 2020 pt.1

One Word 2020 Sign

The countdown is over, it’s the start of a new year 2020, and a new decade. For some people a new year means fresh goals, for others, a change in numbers on a calendar is nothing significant to them. One way isn’t better than the other, but I firmly believe that as Christians we are called to live life intentionally.

In its simplest definition, living intentionally means consciously and deliberately living a purpose-filled life according to your personal values and beliefs which influence and direct your daily habits. When you live intentionally you align your life with the will of God, the fruit of the spirit, and the ways of Christ.

To quote writer Annie Dillard, “How we spend our days, is of course, how we spend our lives.

My hope is that you don’t view intentional living as a daily to-do list filled with tasks to be checked off by the end of each day. The benefit isn’t the accumulation of completed tasks; instead, it is about living your life with purpose. We live in a society where we pay attention to what others have achieved instead of focusing on our own journey and path.

The measuring stick is between you and God and no one else.

Each year I choose one word and one verse to help guide me through the year. The word and verse help to keep me focused and align the different parts of my life with the same spiritual goal.

This year my guiding word is PEACE. This word came to me as a result of the ups and downs I experienced during 2019. I realized through prayer and meditation that peace was something I craved deeply, but wasn’t fully aware it was a desire of mine. Instead I thought what I needed was rest. I had plenty of rest, but I still wasn’t at peace. 2020 is the year when peace will be my focus.

My guiding verse is:
Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” Romans 14:19

My Own One Word _2020

If you haven’t already chosen a guiding word and verse for the year, there’s no rush. The year has only just begun. Take time to prayerfully ask God to show you spiritual areas in your life that needs attention, nurturing, and transformation.

Below are some links to other blogs where they share their reason for choosing one guiding word and the process they use.
One Word 365

Dayspring Choosing One Word 2020

Women Ministering – Choosing a Guiding Word for 2020

Bloggers for the Kingdom – Choosing a Guiding Word for the Year